Meksmart Transportation Management System (MEK- TMS) is a transportation management solution for businesses with 3 main tasks:  

✔️ Reduce shipping costs  

✔️ Improve logistics efficiency  

✔️ Increase customer satisfaction  

MEK- TMS plans transportation efficiently in minutes to minimize logistics costs and optimize fleet productivity.  

MEK- TMS with fully automated management makes the transportation and freight process extremely smooth and saves a lot of time, effort, and cost compared to the usual way.  

MEK-TMS is the key to helping businesses operate more efficiently now and in the future. 



Automate processes such as daily route planning, assigning tasks to drivers, and dividing goods for vehicles to ensure vehicle fill rates, and reports,... to optimize resources, save time and reduce costs.
Effective transportation planning in just a few minutes helps to reduce logistics costs or reduce the number of vehicles needed with an optimized route to increase the full rate of vehicles thereby limiting wasteful empty rides.

MEK- TMS Optimization And Development


Optimization Capabilities

Optimize load, and arrange packages and pallets on the vehicle 1 way reasonably. Optimize routes and routes to ensure fast, accurate, and safe transportation. Assign carriers to each shipment to ensure conditions on the types of goods, work, and costs.


Real-time Tracking

Constantly updating the status of vehicles and goods throughout the transportation process. Providing a comprehensive view of each stage of the shipping process makes it easier for businesses to manage.


Transportation Contract

Management Allows businesses to effectively manage information and terms in transport contracts. All this information merges together and is stored in an electronic database.  Operation management: petroleum, fuel, repair, bridge costs, maintenance. Driver management: salary, bonus, timekeeping, KPI,...


Connect To Other Systems

Easily integrate with other systems, creating a comprehensive data ecosystem. Combining information on the MEK- TMS platform with internal information data sources helps businesses observe and track information on orders in real-time from purchase to shipping.