Meksmart is a top warehouse management solution (WMS) provider. We have been delivering tailored inventory management services to third-party logistics and wholesalers & distributors across various industries for the long run. It is our pleasure to assist you in custom warehouse management projects and optimizing supply chain management.

Do you manage your warehouse operations efficiently?

Let us show you how a smart WMS provider can perform as effectively as an in-house team.



Always setting the bar high and applying the element of intelligence to all solutions, MEK- WMS (MEK- Warehouse Management System) will help your team move to the next level with confidence to transform from complex to complex. come simply through the management automation model.
Smart warehouse management system (MEK- WMS) for your best logistics management. All-in-one WMS Meksmart with outstanding features of speedy real-time based operations, automated ordering processing, smart goods sorting, and inventory management solution.

MEKWMS Optimization And Development


Optimizing Processing Speed

Towards solving the problem of job processing time, MEK- WMS development team has applied modern technologies and real-time-based workflow. Thereby all processed information is updated continuously, through the system.


Smart Solution For Order Composing

Through data storage, quick information retrieval, and routing optimization for order picking. All processes like packaging, dispatching, counting/ stocking, receiving, classified placement of goods, work document configuration, storage reallocation, and goods picking are all optimized with MEK- WMS.


Smart Solution For Sorting Goods

Intelligently manage accurate inventory data by type, item code, status, storage date, and use class,... Optimized storage and retrieval of goods with fast speed Integrated control feature recount when there is a difference.


Smart Solutions for Inventory Management

Set up a smart solution to determine the right location for ordering the most suitable order based on the criteria of type, size, volume, regularity, time, and smart temperature for sorting.